
Photo of Albouy Ségolène

Albouy Ségolène

CNRS | Observatoire de Paris
Digital project manager
Ségolène Albouy has been part of the DH team since April 2019. She designed the public interface of DISHAS platform and also focused on the mediation and accessibility of the digital corpus. She is now in charge of the digital team, supervising the development of projects for automatic transcription as well as for computation tools with tables.
Photo of Andriani Eleonora

Andriani Eleonora

CNRS | Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes
Scientific collaborator
Since 2023
Eleonora Andriani, Scientific Director of PATHS (ERC Starting 2023, ANR), develops innovative philological approaches to Latin texts on the history of astral sciences (13th-15th centuries). Her research is supported by tools from DISHAS, EIDA, and SegmOnto, alongside eScriptorium, to perform image-based textual criticism focused on the visual elements of texts.
Photo of Bui Camille

Bui Camille

CNRS | Observatoire de Paris
Scientific collaborator
Scientific local team
Since 2018
Camille Bui is a PhD candidate of the ALFA project since November 2019 she is part of DISHAS local scientific team and contributing with a growing knowledge on latitude tables.
No photo for this team member

Chabás José

Pompeu Fabra University
Scientific collaborator
Since 2017
José Chabás has been a scientific collaborator of DISHAS since 2017. He contributes to DISHAS with his extensive expertise on astronomical tables in Latin sources. He took a significant part in the initial modelisation of the database and contributes important data sets of parameters and table content.
Photo of Covanov Svyatoslav

Covanov Svyatoslav

CNRS | Observatoire de Paris
DH team
Svyatoslav Covanov has been part of the DH team since November 2019. PhD in Computer Science, he develops the tool called DIPS whose purpose is to analyze astronomical tables and to retrieve implicit parameters using modern mathematical models.
Photo of Dot Tristan

Dot Tristan

IMAGINE École des Ponts ParisTech
DH team
Since 2020
As a Machine Learning engineer, Tristan has been working on the structure detection, cell segmentation and automatic transcription of astronomical tables from the alphonsine tradition.
Photo of Falk Sebastian

Falk Sebastian

Independant scholar
Scientific collaborator
Since 2017
Seb Falk has been a scientific collaborator of DISHAS since 2017. He contributes to the project with his knowledge of astronomical sources in Latin.
Photo of Gauffier Léni

Gauffier Léni

CNRS | Observatoire de Paris
DH team
Léni Gauffier has been part of the digital team since November 2020. As a research engineer in scientific computation, he develops a tool whose purpose is to allow manipulation and calculation with astronomical tables.
Photo of Gessner Samuel

Gessner Samuel

CNRS | Observatoire de Paris
Scientific collaborator
Scientific local team
Since 2019
Samuel has been a postdoctoral researcher at ALFA since 2019 who is especially interested in astronomical instruments. He has mainly contributed to the project with his knowledge of cultural mediation and written explanatory texts to facilitate the navigation through DISHAS data.
Photo of Goldstein Bernard R.

Goldstein Bernard R.

University of Pittsburgh
Scientific collaborator
Since 2017
Bernard R. Goldstein is a scientific collaborator of DISHAS since 2017. He contributes to the project with his extensive expertise of astronomical sources in Hebrew and Latin.
Photo of Hadrava Petr

Hadrava Petr

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Scientific collaborator
Since 2017
Petr Hadrava has been a member of DISHAS scientific team since 2017. He contributes to the project with his extensive expertise of astronomical tables in Latin sources. His expertise in the mathematical analysis of astronomical tables is also precious to the project.
Photo of Hamelin Malcom

Hamelin Malcom

Université Paris 8
DH team
Malcom Hamelin was a trainee in the DISHAS digital team in 2019. He contributed to the project by setting up an API to promote data openness and by setting up an elasticsearch instance, a powerful search engine allowing the exploration and the visualization of the corpus.
Photo of Hare Doriane

Hare Doriane

École des chartes
DH team
Doriane worked on the survey of Alphonsine manuscripts established by the researchers of the ALFA project: her contribution allowed the enrichment and improvement of this database in order to constitute a reliable and valuable corpus for the researchers.
Photo of Hirose Sho

Hirose Sho

Independant scholar
Scientific collaborator
Since 2017
Sho Hirose has been a scientific collaborator of DISHAS since 2017. He contributes to the project with his knowledge of astronomical sources in Sanskrit. He took part in the modeling of the database and contributes to the addition of astronomical data.
Photo of Husson Matthieu

Husson Matthieu

CNRS | Observatoire de Paris
Scientific advisory board
Principal investigator
Since 2017
Matthieu Husson is the PI of DISHAS since 2017. Scientifically, he contributes to the project with his expertise of astronomical tables in Latin sources. He took a significant part in the initial modelisation of the database and contributes important data sets of table content.
Photo of Jacobson Nicholas

Jacobson Nicholas

CNRS | Observatoire de Paris
Scientific collaborator
Scientific local team
Since 2019
Nicholas Jacobson is a postdoctoral researcher of ALFA since March 2019. He is contributing to DISHAS with his knowledge of astronomical sources in Latin.
Photo of Ji Chen

Ji Chen

University of Science and Technology of China
Scientific collaborator
Since 2023
Ji Chen has been a scientific collaborator of EIDA since 2023. She contributes to the project with her extensive expertise of astronomical sources in Chinese.
Photo of Kremer Richard

Kremer Richard

Dartmouth College
Scientific collaborator
Since 2017
Richard Kremer has been a scientific collaborator of DISHAS since 2017. He contributes to DISHAS with his extensive expertise on astronomical tables in Latin sources. He took a significant part in the initial modelisation of the database and contributes important data sets of parameters and table content.
No photo for this team member

Li Liang

Beijing Institute for the History of Natural Science Chinese Academy of Science
Scientific collaborator
Since 2017
Liang Li has been a scientific collaborator of DISHAS since 2017. He contributes to the project with his extensive expertise of astronomical sources in Chinese. He took a significant part in the initial modelisation of the database and contributes important data sets of parameters and table contents.
Photo of Misra Anuj

Misra Anuj

University of Copehagen
Scientific collaborator
Anuj Misra a postdoctoral fellow of the TAMAS project (PSL, PI Matthieu Husson) in 2017-2018 and since contributes as a scientific collaborator with his expertise of tables in Sanskrit astronomical sources. He took a significant part in the modelisation of the database and contributes to important data sets of parameters and table contents.
Photo of Montelle Clemency

Montelle Clemency

University of Canterbury
Scientific advisory board
Since 2017
Clemency Montelle has been part of DISHAS scientific board since 2017. Scientifically, she contributes to DISHAS with an extensive expertise on astronomical tables in Sanskrit sources. She took a significant part in the initial modelisation of the database and contributes important data sets of parameters and table contents.
No photo for this team member

Müller Stefan

Bavarian Academy of Science
DH collaborator
Since 2017
Stefan Muller has been collaborating with the DISHAS digital team since 2017. He took part in many technical choice and discussion and develop specific part of the code in particular in relation with the management of calendar and mean motion tables
Photo of Norindr Jade

Norindr Jade

CNRS | Observatoire de Paris
Digital project manager
Since 2023
Jade Norindr has been part of the DH team since April 2023. She has mainly worked on the automatic analysis of astronomical diagrams in the framework of the EiDA ANR project.
Photo of Penin Jean-Claude

Penin Jean-Claude

Independant scholar
DH collaborator
Since 2019
Jean Claude Penin has been collaborating with the DISHAS sci team since November 2019. He contributes mainly for the moment by providing data to DISHAS with respect to the different table models.
Photo of Penon Antonin

Penon Antonin

CNRS | Observatoire de Paris
DH team
Antonin Penon was part of the DISHAS DH team in 2017-18. He developed DISHAS Tables Interface, a powerful tool for inputting, manipulating and comparing astronomical tables. It has also worked on the modelling of historical sources for their computer processing.
Photo of Pritchard Kailyn

Pritchard Kailyn

Quest university
Scientific collaborator
Since 2018
Kailyn Pritchard is a graduate student collaborating with the DISHAS scientific team since novembre 2018. She contributes with a growing knowledge on trigonometrical tables in Latin sources.
No photo for this team member

Thomann Johannes

UZH | Zurich
Scientific collaborator
Since 2017
Johannes Thomann is a scientific collaborator of DISHAS since 2017. He contributes to the project with his extensive expertise of astronomical sources in Arabic. His expertise in the statistical analysis of astronomical tables is also precious to the project.
Photo of Topalian Galla

Topalian Galla

CNRS | Observatoire de Paris
Digital project manager
Galla Topalian has managed the DISHAS digital project and team from 2017 to 2020. As lead developer, she took part in every parts of the project, from the conceptual modeling of astronomical data to the integration of the most advanced tools to the platform, such as DIPS. She also insured the consistency of every pieces of development carried out by the members of the digital team.
Photo of Trigg Scott

Trigg Scott

Scientific local team
Since 2021
Scott Trigg has been a postdoctoral researcher at DISHAS since 2021. He contributes to the project with his knowledge of astronomical sources in Arabic.
Photo of Van Brumellen Glen

Van Brumellen Glen

Trinity Western University
Scientific collaborator
Since 2017
Glen van Brummelen is a scientific collaborator of DISHAS since 2017. He contributes to the project with his extensive expertise of astronomical sources in Arabic, as well as his knowledge of the statistical analysis of tables . He was involved in the modelisation of the database and contributed important data sets of astronomical content.
Photo of Van Dalen Benno

Van Dalen Benno

Bavarian Academy of Science
Scientific advisory board
Since 2017
Benno van Dalen has been part of the DISHAS scientific board since 2017. He contributes with his expertise on astronomical tables in medieval Arabic, Persian and Chinese sources. He played a significant role in the development of the project from its beginning. Benno van Dalen also has great expertise in the statistical analysis of astronomical tables and has developed programs now integrated in DIPS.