How to search

1 Select an entity

How to select an entity

Choose an entity

Select in the dropdown menu the type of content on which you want to perform a query.

2 Perform a query

How to find every records

Find everything

Don't write anything in the search bar and click on the search button.

How to find records

Fuzzy search

Write term that should approximately match the records you want to find.

How to exactly find records

Exact match

Surround your search terms by "quotes" if you want an exact match.

How to use wildcard

Wildcard query

Use an asterisk* if you want to search for only fragments of a term.

3 Reuse a query

How to copy a query

Copy query

Click on the copy query button to copy the URL request in your clipboard.

How to access raw data

Get raw data

Paste the URL in the address bar of your browser to access the data in a JSON format.

How to reuse a query

Save a query

To perform the same query in the future, paste the copied URL in the search bar to get the same results.